The Levy County Commission and the Levy
County Sheriff have an opportunity to
take a courageous and historic stand
against the Feral (Federal) tyranny that
has emanated from Babylon on the Potomac
since at least 1860.
The people of Levy County have a right
to maintain their own Southern and
Christian culture, regardless of what
any outside entities may think. It is
not necessary that everyone speak,
think, and act as do the residents of
the “Great Northeast.”
Neither an atheist organization based in
New Jersey, nor nine robed priests of
the secular religion based in the
District of Corruption have any
Constitutional or moral right to tell us
to remove the Ten Commandments monument
erected at our courthouse. That monument
recognizes the Biblical foundations of
the Western legal system (whatever
remnant of it still exists).
I encourage the County Commission to
clearly and unequivocally affirm that
the Ten Commandments monument WILL NOT
come down and that an atheist monument
WILL NOT go up! No, not under ANY
I encourage the Sheriff to make it clear
that any outside “authorities” who
attempt to remove the monument will be
promptly arrested and that if a larger
force is sent to remove the monument he
will call out the Constitutional
militia, consisting of the able-bodied
men of Levy County.
Someone must take a stand against the
tyranny that now rules this land. Let it
be the people Levy County!
In closing, consider the words of
Winston Churchill: “If you will not
fight for right when you can easily win
without bloodshed; if you will not fight
when your victory is sure and not too
costly; you may come to the moment when
you will have to fight with all the odds
against you and only a precarious chance
of survival. There may even be a worse
case. You may have to fight when there
is no hope of victory, because it is
better to perish than to live as
Deo Vindice!
Pastor Greg Wilson
Chairman, Free Florida First